Interpage Paging and Carrier Database Overview
Interpage's Paging Database and Carrier Settings Scripts allows for messaging to US-based paging carriers without the need to know the identity of the given destination carrier or any specialized settings or configuration information. Enterprise Messaging Gateway customers may send Interpage the given pager number or pager ID of a US-based paging customer whom they wish to page and Interpage will automatically direct the page to the appropriate system to be paged and process the page according to the specific settings and options of the given paging carrier or system.

Other messaging/paging services and applications are available, please review the Messaging/Paging Main page and/or the Enterprise vs. Personal Messaging/Paging Comparison for details.

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Interpage Paging Database chart - The Interpage Paging Database allows Messaging and Paging Gateway customers the ability to send pages to many US-based systems without having to know or obtain information pertaining to the given carrier or system, much like SMS messages can be sent without having to know the given mobile carrier for which the SMS message is intended

The Interpage Paging Database and Carrier Settings Scripts are utilized in conjunction with the Messaging and Paging Gateway to automatically direct pages to the appropriate paging carrier, as well as navigate a given carrier's paging terminal/gateway to aid in the timeliness and accuracy of a given message's/page's delivery.

Unlike SMS messaging, where each SMS message sent is "looked up" in a database of mobile phone numbers at a Short Messaging Service Center (SMSC), there exists no central database or repository for pagers, paging carriers, routing, or special connection or display settings, making it impossible to send, for example, an alpha message to a pager without knowing the underlying paging carrier. This problem is addressed by the Interpage Paging Database, which contains access and routing information for most natiowide and regional carriers in the US, and performs a lookup for a given pager to immediately route your messages to the proper paging service and destination pager.

The Paging Database provides Interpage Messaging and Paging customers with:

  • Timing settings for most US/Canadian numeric-only direct access (DID) systems to ensure that DTMF outpulsing does not commence too soon (slow systems) or too late (fast systems).

  • Terminating characters as required (such as #) in the event a given system requires a terminator but the customer fails to enter/send one.

  • Scripted Port/PIN (non-DID) settings information for numeric systems which require a general access number, including pause timing, PIN Outpulsing, PIN and data (DTMF) termination, and other settings unique to a given PIN-based system.

  • TAP/Numeric hybrid system timeout to wait for a hybrid system's carrier detection to end before outpulsing DTMF to the numeric interface.

  • Numeric via TAP when available.

  • Alpha Messaging and Alpha/Numeric lookup services to most nationwide and regional US carriers based on a given alpha/numeric customer's 10-digit numeric number, without needing to know the carrier servicing the given destination paging customer.

  • Alpha Messaging to alpha-only pagers based on PagerID for most US-based nationwide or regional paging carriers.

  • Alpha Messaging settings for carriers with non-standard Alpha terminals, such as speed, timing, passwords, manual mode, etc.

  • The database is automatically queried for most paging requests and, unless overridden by an explicit instruction, will modify pages to conform to a given destination paging system to facilitate delivery.

    In addition to the database's general settings, Interpage's Messaging and Paging Gateway may be customized and configured on an individual customer basis to navigate voicemail or paging "trees", IVR, or "PIN"-based systems to notifiy non-traditional messaging devices or those which frequently cause problems for non-scriptable paging systems. For example, in cases where paging is accomplished via a corporate voicemail system, the gateway can be instructed to process pages by bypassing the voicemail component of a given user's mailbox and proceed directly to paging options, if such a provision is available. (The navigation and scripting rules of the database are also used by the Outvoice service to deposit messages in a similar manner.)

    Although the Paging Database and Carrier Scripts are generally available to all messaging gateway customers and are transparently applied to pages sent via the Interpage Messaging and Paging Gateway (unless overridden on a case by case basis by the customer), some features of the database, such as TAP/IXO lookups, per-pagerID coding and confirmations, pagerID lookups/queries, and matching a pager's PIN/PagerID to the servicing carrier, are currently offered only for higher tiered accounts or those of a similar service class which can discriminate between natwionwide/regionwide carriers and local and/or non-alpha destinations.


    To receive additional information about Interpage's Messaging and Paging Services, please contact us via:

    Web-based Support/Inquiry Interface

    •Telephone: +1 (650) 331-3900.

    Interpage Contacts Page

    We will be happy to answer any questions you may have concerning our paging or other services

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    Last modified 02/15/2025

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