We do not track or gather information regarding prior browsing history.
We do not track or gather information regarding current and future browsing or place any instruments or tracking software on client browsers to report back to Interpage on subsequently visited sites and/or web viewing activity.
We do not link to, send, or share information with traffic monitoring or any other analytical/marketing services, such as Google Analytics, AdSense, etc. What a visitor views on Interpage's web site remains totally within Interpage and is not shared with any outside entity. (Note: Some Interpage pages require specialized fonts which do invoke requests with outside sources)
We generally do not obtain any information about a site visit other than the visitor's IP information. In cases where information is provided to Interpage, such as when a customer enters a userID/password to log in to their account, we only collect the de minimis amount of informarion needed to authenticate the given customer(s), generally consisting of the userID, password, and IP. Information not voluntarily provided to Interpage, other than the IP of a given customer or guest, is not obtained, tracked, nor stored.
We do not scan or read your emails, either sent to us (such as for billing or customer service) or sent through Interpage, for any content or keywords so as to market to you or sell/disseminate information concerning your correspondence.
We generally correspond to customers and inquiries with flat/plaintext email -- we do not send emails, bill statements, detailed invoices, or service notifications with links, URLs, attachments or any other mechanism which will automatically and without your assent report back where/the IP of the computer or device which are you viewing the mail with. When you receive a mail from Interpage, you can be assured that we are not tracking what you do with it, who else you forward it to, or any disposition you may have of it or anything else on the computer or smartphone or other device on which you viewed it.
Interpage does not build or create "user profiles" based on your interractions with us, nor do we sell/market any information concerning your interractions with us.
Interpage does not share usage or viewing statistics with any outside entity, both with respect to specific users/guests/IPs or anonymized, aggregate data.
Interpage does not call or contact you on any fax numbers provided by you using the Free Test Fax service (other than in the process of sending the free test fax to the number(s) which you entered for the given test). Additionally, Interpage does not sell or market any lists or details of test fax calls places via the Free Test Fax service, nor does it read the contents of any of the Free Test Fax messages, unless instructed to do so by the originator, or in the event of a failed transmission for diagnostic or remedial purposes to ensure delivery of a given failed fax as per the orinator's intent.
Interpage does not call, message, page, or contact you on any cellular telephone, pager, or other numbers provided by you using the FreePage/Message Service (other than in the process of sending the freepage, text message, or SMS to the number provided to us). Interpage does not sell or market any lists or details of pages, text messages, SMS messages, or any other content sent via the Free Page/Message service, nor does it read the contents of any of the messages.
Interpage Customer Service, Billing, and Technical Support are 100% US-based, and any information provided to Interpage remains in the United States and is not processed, reviewed, or in any way accessed by any person or entity outside of US legal jurisdiction.