Interpage OutFax Client Instructions and DOS Command Help

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This page will detail how to use the Intrepage OutFax(sm) Client.

[] Setup:

1. Run (double click) on the downloaded file IPOSetup.exe. The auto 
   installer will add required software and configure your Windows
   environment in Word to place the OutFax client invocation in the "File"
2. Run the Interpage OutFax Client by double clicking the icon which was 
   created on your desktop from Step 1.
3. Go to SETUP and then ACCOUNT SETTINGS and enter your Interpage usereid
   (account name) and password. The userid and password are assigned to you
   upon account set up in the "Welcome" e-mail which was sent to you upon 

[] Operation within Word:

1. From within MS Word, create or edit a file. 
2. Save the file (use "save" under the "File" menu).
3. Select "Interpage OutFax" from the "File" menu.
4. Enter the destination telephone number on the upper RIGHT text-entry box
   which is labeled "To add recipients..."
5. The number should be a 10 digit US/Canada/809 number or an international
   number beginning with 011. 
6. Click the "Add" button (multiple numbers may be added by repeating 
   steps 5 and 6)
7. Add comments/names for the cover page (if used) 
8. Select optional font stregnth and fax resolution (optional)
9. Click "Send" 

[] Operation from the desktop:

1. Double-click on the Interpage OutFax icon.
2. Enter the filename of the file you wish to fax, or select "Browse" and
   review the available files in your various directories. 
3. Enter the destination telephone number on the upper RIGHT text-entry box
   which is labeled "To add recipients..."
4. The number should be a 10 digit US/Canada/809 number or an international
   number beginning with 011. 
5. Click the "Add" button (multiple numbers may be added by repeating 
   steps 5 and 6)
6. Add comments/names for the cover page (if used) 
7. Select optional font stregnth and fax resolution (optional)
8. Click "Send" 

[] DOS Commands

The Interpage OutFax(sm) Client may also be invoked via commands from the 
DOS command line without invoking the client from Windows, the Desktop, 
or from within programs like Microsoft Word or Adobe. 

To use the Client from the DOS prompt, open a DOS window from any Windows 
OS mode, or boot directly to DOS. The following commands may be invoked 
from the command line (usually indicated by a C:\ if your hard drive 
where the client is located is labled as Drive C):

WARNING:  KNOWN BUGS: The very last option you supply MUST be followed by
          a value, even if is ignored. 

          For example:

          pcclient -fax 2125551212 -file "C:\somedoc.doc" -nocover IGNORED
          ...will work, but... 

          pcclient -fax 2125551212 -file "C:\somedoc.doc" -nocover IGNORED
          ...won't (will likely result in a crash).

          However, if your option takes no value, and it isn't last in the  
          command line, the client should properly accept the DOS commands.  

          For example:

          pcclient -fax 2125551212 -nocover -file "C:\somedoc.doc"
          ...should not result in an error although standard form is to 
          place all commands BEFORE the destination number(s).

SYNTAX: pcclient [option] [value] [option] [value] ... <-silent ON>

[-option] [value] list: 

 -fax #<,#,...>
        Value is the fax number to send the document to.  You can specify
        multiple fax phone numbers, separated by commas.  
        EXAMPLE:  pcclient -fax 2125551212
        EXAMPLE:  pcclient -fax 2125551212,2125551213
       Value is the complete path to the file to be faxed
       EXAMPLE:   pcclient -fax 2125551212 -file "C:\Some MS Word 

       Takes no value.  
       This suppresses the cover page.
 -re "aaabbbccc"
       Populates the Optional Comment for Cover Page field.
       Note that this value is ignored if -nocover is specified.
       Note that this value is ignored if -nocover is specified.
 -attn "aaabbbccc"
       Populates the Optional Send Fax To for Cover Page field.
       Note that this value is ignored if -nocover is specified.

 -from "aaabbbccc"
       Populates the Optional Send Fax From field in the Cover Page.
       Note that this value is ignored if -nocover is specified.
       This sets the fax to low resolution mode.
       This sets the fax to high resolution mode.
        This sets the font to bold fonts.
      This sets the font to normal fonts.
       This takes no value, but see WARNING above.
       This suppresses the clients configuration dialog box.  You must
       supply a complete commandline so that the fax can be sent in order
       for this to do anything.

[] DOS Command User Notes:

The exe is called PCClient.exe.  It is standalone, it does not
require the presence of any other files or directories, however
there are other files and DLLs installed to integrate Interpage Outfax
client with the PC it is installed on, such as shell extensions when
you right click on files, or integration with Microsoft Office products.

You can run the exe to see the dialog box popup, or you can supress the
user interface if you want to use the client in batch files.

If you run the client from the command line, you can populate some of the
fields in the dialog box with command line switches.  If you want the client
to fax your document without showing the user interface, you can add 
"-silent ON" to the end of the command line.
Each argument begins with a '-' character and is followed by a parameter.
You can insert options in any order.  Values that contain spaces
must be surrounded by '"' characters (quotes).

If you have any questions, please contact Interpage at +1 (650) 331-3900 or mail to .

Last modified 06/10/2003