I N T E R P A G E Network Services Inc. =========================================================================== Fax Services Overview - Updated 10/30/95 Summary of Interpage's Fax-based services: ------------------------------------------ [] OutFaxing: Send a fax from e-mail to ANYWHERE in the world: Individuals or groups may now create and dispatch a fax FROM anywhere in the world TO anywhere else by simply sending an e-mail message to Interpage. Both individual and group users can realize significant cost savings over traditional international toll rates by transmitting a fax message through Interpage. Interpage's Fax Dispatch ("OutFax" (SM)) service is fully featured in that it allows users to add or remove cover sheets, upload a DOC, PDF, RTF, or PostScript file instead of sending text, add accounting codes to individual faxes, and serves as a way to monitor fax costs by detailed billing and confirmation reports mailed back to the Interpage user. Users may send us their own cover sheets which will be used in place of a default "Interpage" cover sheet. Users may upload databases of fax numbers and recipient names which will be faxed to the specified destinations. Recipient names will appear on either the cover sheet if one is used, or if not, the name will appear on top of the fax page, where the "Station ID" message is normally displayed (the recipient fax must support this feature). Recipient databases may be edited online via telnet, or by sending commands by e-mail to Interpage's mail configuration editor. Once a command is received, a confirmation is sent back indicating that it successfully effectuated a change to your account, and what the changes were. The telnet and mail configuration allow you to make *instant* changes to your fax options and recipients 24 hours a day, 365 days a year. ------------ [] InFaxing: E-Mail to Fax dispatch, (and paging). Anyone with a fax machine may establish a presence on the Internet! Interpage will assign an InFax (SM) customer a user ID on our system, or we will register a domain if the customer desires a more personalized, or "businesslike" account. (e.g., "Don" may choose "don@doncompany.com") Whenever mail arrives at an InFax customer's account, it will be immediately faxed out to one or more given fax machine(s). The InFax customer will be able to respond immediately to their e-mail messages, and never have to log on again 'just to check' to see if there is potentially important new mail. Interpage can also page an InFax customer when a fax is dispatched so that he/she may attend to the fax more rapidly, as well as direct a given piece of e-mail to a specific fax machine based on the sender, subject header information, and/or time of day. We can also restrict the number of fax pages which will be sent as a result of inbound e-mail, "lock out" certain senders from generating a fax, and set up a highly diversified system of screens to allow only the e-mail faxes which an InFax customer wishes to receive to get through. ----------------- [] FaxUp (SM) - Upload Faxes to E-Mail and immediate re-broadcast Interpage's FaxUp service allows you to have a "fax mailbox" which will convert faxes sent to your mailbox number to a UUENCODED GIF format, viewable on our WWW server or which can subsequently be mailed to your or any number of other recipients, instantly. To view files from our WWW server, you will need Netscape, Mosaic, or some other graphics based Web browser. After entering your account name and security code, you will be presented with a list of faxes. You may then view them online, forward them as e-mail, have them sent to another fax machine, store them, or delete them. FaxUp also serves as a fax re-broadcast service: Faxes can be sent to your FaxUp mailbox, and instantly re-transmitted to any number of fax and/or e-mail addresses. You may also control access to your re-broadcast service, and allow only faxes which *you* designate to be re-distributed to one or more of your distribution lists. ----------------- [] Intertalk (SM) - Retrieve and Fax your E-Mail by Telephone Interpage's InterTalk service serves as a gateway between the Internet, the voice telephone network, and your fax machine. Interpage customers may use Intertalk to "screen" their e-mail, by listening to the a voice transcription of their e-mail header information over the telephone. If the customer wishes to receive a full-text version of their mail, he or she may direct Intertalk to fax a given piece of e-mail to any fax machine worldwide. Intertalk will allow a customer to "scroll back" through their most recent e-mail messages, from newest to oldest, and select the messages to be faxed out on a message-by-message basis. Intertalk may also be used to redirect e-mail for a given period of time to any fax machine worldwide. This is particularly useful when away from the office on a business trip: An Interpage customer may forward all e-mail from one hotel to another, and keep up with important e-mail without having to log on regularly to check. With Intertalk, e-mail can be waiting for you at your hotel when you arrive, allowing you the opportunity to quickly review it and answer the more important messages immediately. ----------- [] Enhanced Pager Overlay Services - Fax Upload and Storage Interpage offers a fax mailbox independent of our basic E-Mail and network paging/faxing services. EPOS (SM) customers will receive a dedicated, unique 800 number. Callers may send faxes to an EPOS customer's 800 number, and after the fax has been successfully uploaded, the EPOS customer may be (optionally) paged. The EPOS customer may then dial into their 800 fax mailbox (for no charge), and review the uploaded faxes. Faxes may be sent to a fax machine, stored for later processing, or deleted. EPOS customers may also direct their 800 Fax calls to a given destination fax for a period of time, so that an uploaded fax to an 800 number will immediately be received at the desired destination fax. If an EPOS customer directs their faxes to their FaxUp mailbox (or to Interpage's fax access number), they will be able to view their faxes via the WWW from any terminal equipped to access the Web. Additionally, EPOS customers may also upload their own faxes, with a brief voice description, and utilize the service as a "personal" Fax-On-Demand service. For example, you send/upload some basic information about your business services, or directions to your place of business, etc. to your EPOS mailbox. Then, upon receiving an inquiry from a customer or interested party, you may scroll through your uploaded fax messages using a touch tone telephone or carphone, and *immediately* send the desired information to the inquiring customer, without ever having to be near a fax machine. You can provide *instant* customer response, without needing an expensive, dedicated fax back device or service. Moreover, you may change and alter the information which you fax out at will by deleting the older stored messages and uploading newer ones as circumstances merit. (Additional information on our EPOS services is located under our main WWW directory, on the WWW "Welcome" page. ) ----------------------------- [] WWW WebReach (SM) Service: Interpage's WWW WebReach service allows a business or individual to place one or more WWW "pages" on Interpage's server, which may then be viewed by the entirety of the Internet community. However, we go beyond traditional WWW server offerings in that we utilize Interpage's faxing and paging services to allow WebReach customers to be notified of inquiries, new customer orders, and/or callback requests immediately, without ever requiring the WebReach customer. WebReach customers may place signup forms, customer question sheets, or any other form on Interpage's Web server. Interested parties may fill out the forms online, and when the form is completed, it will be immediately faxed, e-mailed, and/or paged to the WebReach customer. As a result, order-taking becomes more streamlined, and customers receive a more timely response. WebReach customers may also upload their literature, brochures, promotions, etc. to their Web pages. When a customer or interested party browses their Web pages, and sees some information which he or she would like faxed to them, Interpage will immediately send the customer the desired information via fax to whatever number the customer enters (we can restrict these calls to certain areas, if desired.) Additionally, WebReach customers who own pagers may elect to have an "Urgent" or "Callback" option. With this option, a customer or interested party who is browsing their Web pages may decide that he or she would like a callback, and will then be presented with the option of entering a phone number and/or additional text information (depending on whether the WebReach customer has an alpha or numeric pager). As soon as the customer completes the call-back message, it is instantly paged out to the WebReach customer's pager, who can then respond immediately.